Within the framework of the Energy Transition Roadmap project, we held a discussion table that brought together industry leaders.
The Roadmap for the Energy Transition in Argentina project, which we are carrying out with the consulting firm Deloitte, seeks to quantify both the costs and the economic benefits of accelerating the energy transition in the country.
Along these lines, we held a discussion table headed by Maurizio Bezzeccheri, director of Enel for Latin America, and our country manager, Claudio Cunha. They were together with leaders from the energy sector and prominent economists who collaborated in analysis of the situation of the local energy market.
Bezzeccheri highlighted that the Roadmap that we are carrying out "seeks to be a contribution to the energy transition", in which "all the sectors involved can collaborate with their vision to change the current scenario" towards electrification.
“We have launched this study that seeks to be a contribution from the private sector, but for this to start, the intervention of the State is necessary from the regulatory point of view, without which we are not going anywhere”, recognized the director of Enel for Latin America.
For his part, Cunha agreed that "advancing on a path towards energy transition is a great challenge that requires investment, but also public policies that generate incentives and promote the use of more modern technologies."
Among the stakeholders who participated in the event was Paulo Farina, former Undersecretary of Electric Power; Martin Genesio, CEO AES; Daniel Ridelener, TGN CEO; Horacio Nadra, from Adeera; Raul Parisi from CARI; Andrea Heins- president CACME; Sebastian Contrera of ATEERA; Fernando Rodriguez Canedo ADEFA; Eduardo Beloqui, from AGUEERA; Daniel Gerold, sector specialist; Jorge Dimopulos, Director of Strategic Planning at Tecpetrol, Rafael Machin- Vice President of PAE Planning and Raúl Bertero from FIUBA/CEARE. Economists Nicolás Gadano and Diana Mondino also joined.
"Road Map for Energy Transition in Argentina" aims to be a survey that provides recommendations for public policies that allow compliance with the National Determined Contribution (NDC) set by the country for 2030 and thus achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.
Electrification and replacement by more efficient equipment, decarbonization, and the use of solar panels, as well as electric mobility and hydrogen, are among the topics to be analyzed.
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