Open Doors is a program that carries out the direction of Sustainability together with Enel Generación Costanera, in order to bring the plant closer to the community and explain the most important concepts of the electricity business, as well as the processes and operation of the generator.
Sustainable development, caring for the environment and the future of energy are among the topics addressed by the exhibitors, who, in addition to providing useful information, encourage interesting discussions among students.
The link with the community and the contributions that the company makes to the environment is another of the topics that are highlighted in the talk, in addition to the safe and efficient use of energy by the generator and also by users.
These visits are aimed at educational institutions, from primary to university, both public and private, but also to representatives of companies, SMEs and other organizations, interested in knowing the processes of the plant.
In addition to the visit, the program includes different workshops, at the choice of the institutions:
- Preparation of CV and job interviews.
- Electric Mobility.
- Recycling.
- Composting.
- Energy Efficient.
To participate, applicants must send the following information in the mail:
- Tentative date and alternative date.
- List of attendees (maximum 35 people).
- Insurance policy (a few days before the visit).
On the day of the visit, each attendee must carry:
- Safety shoes or slippers.
- Comfortable clothes.
The duration of the visit is approximately 3 hours.
The personal protection elements (such as helmet, glasses, etc.), are provided in the Central.
It is strictly forbidden to disseminate images, legends or notes of ENEL Generación Costanera on social networks, or any type of public disclosure, without prior notice, and approval of Enel Argentina.