“Scalable technologies and zero impact in the service of citizens, is the commitment of Enel towards Formula E and the future of the plant.”
Additionally, Edesur continues to help the Missing Children of Argentina organization in the search for children missing from their homes. The campaign includes printing photographs of the missing children on the back of company invoices and on posters located in commercial offices of the company.
At educational level, Enel Argentina develops the programme Play Energy, aimed to promote the value of energy. This project was declared of Educational Interest in October 2016 by authorities of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires.
Enel collaboration is also important in the Eco Ladrillos [Eco brick] Programme and in Creando valor compartido [Creating shared value] Programme, both aimed at promoting the constructive, ecological and charitable development.
These initiatives are designed to improve the community. Enel works to involve people and their communities and create a bond between the company and energy users.