“One of its main objectives is to search for the maximum operative and maintenance efficiency.”
Enel Generación El Chocón
Enel Generación El Chocón (formerly Hidroeléctrica El Chocón) is part of Enel Goup. It is an electricity generating company utilising waterfalls, in works located at El Chocón and Arroyito on the Limay river.
The hydroelectric facility has a total capacity of 1,328MW and comprises El Chocón plant, with a capacity of 1,200MW (six generators of 200MW capacity each) and Arroyito, with a capacity of 128MW (three generators with a capacity of 42.6 MW each).
Enel Generación El Chocón has an annual average generating capacity of 3,600GWh, representing about 3.2% of the generation of the Argentine Interconnected System (Sistema Argentino de Interconexión, SADI) according to the numbers registered in 2010.
“Hydroelectric generation is crucial to develop the ability of countries to promote a sustainable and environmentally-friendly future.”
Hydroelectric energy is a clean and renewable natural resource in constant formation by nature. It is also practically inexhaustible, being produced by rainfall and it is more environmentally friendly than other energy sources.
Enel Argentina understands that hydroelectric power is crucial to develop the ability of countries to promote a sustainable and environmentally-friendly future.